Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sparse to Spring

I love Colorado. I could see us living there the rest of our lives, though I don’t say “forever” anymore. Its beauty can be awe-inspiring, there’s so much to do and there are so many days of sunshine. I love it!

The only drawback is, with all of that sun, there’s not a lot of moisture on the eastern planes. It’s hard to make things grow, so there is a lot of brown, especially in the winter.

Recently, Nancy and I got in the car and started heading east. Coming down out of the altitude’s cool dry air, into the flooded Mississippi Valley was mesmerizing. It was like Spring happened before our eyes. In a matter of hours, instead of weeks, we went from the brown of a Colorado winter into the lush green of Iowa. 

I can’t imagine anyone east of the Mississippi describing Iowa as lush, but the grass was more thick and green than 70’s shag. Nancy had to take her shoes off and walk in it. Seriously!

The rest of the drive we sounded like a broken record, “It’s so green! It’s so green!” It’s amazing how warmth and moisture can change an environment. It breathes life.

I think the same is true of encouragement and the human soul. It amazes me how a few kind words can revitalize a heart and change a person’s countenance. Encouragement can shatter the dam of stagnation to release a river of action. It breathes life.

I mourn that I have the hardest time encouraging the people closest to me. Daily problems of life invade and they get the affirmation leftovers. I pray that as God reminded me, his beauty is found everywhere, I will remember every heart needs encouragement… especially those who already know you love them.


  1. This is the first of your posts I have read. Thanks to Mike Morgan for the introduction.
    After the first couple paragraphs I thought it was a pleasant read about someone's vacation. The imagery of a thick green 70s shag blanketing the state of Iowa was quite vivid.
    Then the post took an unexpected yet perfectly segued, spiritual twist. I really enjoyed this and look forward to reading many more.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate you taking the time to write. Comments and critiques are always welcome.
