Monday, May 27, 2013

Geese HONK!

Recently we spent some time with some friends who live in an apartment near a pond. Each day we’d take walks, with their precious 19 month old girl, down to the pond to watch the geese.

Apparently, these Canadian geese ware naturalized, because they spend the entire year swimming in this pond and grazing in the large grassy field of the apartments.

They were beautiful and graceful as they would glide into the pond and on the water. There were at least 30 strong and healthy geese flying and swimming effortlessly around the area.

Then one started to honk.

Have you ever heard a gaggle? They are loud. It’s not a pretty songbird kind of loud, it’s an obnoxious, incessant honking and squawking kind of loud. It was so loud and long at one point some poor soul screamed manically out of his second story window, “SHUT UP!” They didn't seem to notice.

The other thing I noticed as we walked around the area is, you have to be careful where you step. If the geese have been there, they've left evidence, like rancid breadcrumbs leading them back to the pond.

That’s when it hit me, geese are like people.

People squawk. They whine, moan and complain about almost anything. It’s too hot, too cold, the traffic is awful, he cut me off, I always get in the wrong line, I hate my job, my family, my life. You can get pretty weary listing to all of it and at some point you just want to say, “SHUT UP!”

And if you deal with someone long enough, at some point, you’re going to step in it. We have no idea the… “stuff” people have been through. It is only a matter of time before you say or do something that is going to require some clean up.

With all the squawking and shoe cleaning you have to do, it’s easy to forget how beautiful people are. If we stop and watch, we can see the beauty. If we take the time to hear their story, we’ll better understand the reason for the mess.

The thing about beauty is, sometimes you have to sit still and watch to see it. 

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