Monday, October 28, 2013

Silencing the Voices

A friend recently told me about a guy who drinks beer with his brother every Friday night. They wake up Saturday morning and ask, “What’s your blood alcohol level?” The other responds, “Feels a little low.” And they start again and on into Sunday.

My friend shook his head and asked, “Why would someone want to live like that?”

The short answer is, to stop the voices.

We spend all day filling our lives with noise. We connect to email, internet, phone, TV, Ipod and sometimes even each other. We live with input from morning until night. So when our heads hits the pillow it’s the first time for quiet.

That’s when the voices start. They pick at our failures, flaws and insecurities. They berate and belittle until we fight our way to sleep.

A lot of the world self medicates so they don’t have to listen to those voices.

But in the middle of all the doubt and self loathing there is one quiet whisper who says, “Who cares?”

“Who cares about your failures or insecurities? I created you, know you and pursue you every day. I lived for you, died for you and ransomed you with my life. You are precious to me. Priceless to me. You are mine. You are loved, failures, flaws and all. Rest.”

There is real relief from the voices. It's not found in a glass or a pill. It’s found in forgiveness. And it’s free.  

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