Monday, October 14, 2013

I'm Not a Servant

Nancy has the gift of service. It oozes from her. It’s part of what makes her a good wife, mom, nurse and hostess of whatever function happens to be running. Acts of service is her love language. My love language sucks.

I don’t have the gift of service. Marcus and I saw a little old lady, struggling to get a big box in the back of her van in the rain. I looked at her and thought, “Bless her heart, that’s a big box. I hope she can get it in there.” Marcus put the box in the van.

It’s great to be married to someone who loves service because they… serve. The problem is, if you aren’t careful, you take it for granted.  The dishes get washed, the laundry gets done… it just happens. It’s awesome!

I was lying in bed one evening in Ecuador just before our annual beach vacation. I was trying to chill out and watch TV for a bit before going to sleep, but Nancy kept walking back and forth in front of the screen. I finally said, “Honey, why don’t sit down and watch TV with me?”

Her reply, “Because I’m trying to pack everything you think magically shows up at the beach every year.”


The problem is it doesn’t matter if it’s our natural bent or not, we are all called to serve. Christ’s last act with his guys before he went to the cross was to wash their feet. It was not some offhanded gesture, but an intentional act of instruction.

No where is this more important than in a marriage. It’s a partnership that requires both parties to be fully invested. Both need to fully serve. Nancy is a great example… I still have a bit to learn.

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