Monday, December 31, 2012


I love to watch the sunrise. There is something about them. They’re beautiful, symbolize new beginnings and the morning air seems cleaner. Maybe I’m weird, but, it occurred to me that the sun is always rising… somewhere.

Since the earth began to spin, the sun has been in a constant state of rising. We can’t see it, because we’re stuck to this planet. For us, it’s a moment and then it’s gone.

But, if you could hover and let the earth revolve underneath you, you could see the sun perpetually on the rise, the colors of the clouds evolving and the day in a constant state of renewal.

But we can’t hover. So the sunrise comes and goes. The noonday sun scorches you and nights are cold and scary. But then comes the sunrise.

Life is the same way. We have periods of renewal and rejuvenation that many times are followed by hard work and harsh circumstances. Then there are long dark nights where we feel isolated, or even abandoned. So we wait for the sunrise.  

Our circumstances are tenuous and fleeting. So if you’re experiencing a sunrise, bask in the warmth and thank God for it.

And when the noonday sun begins to scorch again, or darkness starts to consume you, remember God is there with you. May he help you to wait expectantly for the sun to rise again and for his son to come.

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