Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Experiencing Wonder

Nancy and I celebrated our 25th anniversary in Maui this year. One of the things they say is a “must do” is to watch the sunrise from the top of Mt. Haleakala. It’s an amazing volcano rising from sea level to 10,000 feet.

So with great anticipation we drug ourselves out of bed at 3:30 to make the two hour drive in the dark, following all the other tourists who had read the same review we had.

At the top, we bundled up with scarves and gloves, pulled out flashlights and began following the crowds to pick out a spot with a good view.

We found a great place on the rim of the crater with people scattered around us. Some were in groups, many couples, all talking in hushed tones and peering into the gently graying horizon.

Then a lady next to me crowed, “CLIMB UP ON THAT ROCK! NO OVER THERE! YOU’LL GET A BETTER VIEW OVER THERE!” Imagine the voice of Howard’s mom from The Big Bang Theory.

Every sixty seconds or so, she would bark some instructions to her husband who would bark back reasons why he was fine where he was.

It was comical really, how someone could be so unaware of the people around them, of cultural norms, of the moment.

She wasn't a bad lady. As the sun peaked over the clouds and couples tried to take pictures of themselves, she wandered around offering to help them.

She was just unaware, spectacularly unaware, of the wonder of an incredible sunrise. She was so consumed with capturing the perfect picture, she missed the moment.

I had to laugh at the whole thing, but later I wondered; how many moments do I miss because I have a task to accomplish? How many times am I so focused on getting something done, I miss the people who are doing it with me?

How often am I just as comical, missing God’s wonder in the day to day, too consumed with completing the mundane and mediocre? There is wonder all around us. I hope I always remember to take time to put the camera down and experience it.


  1. So glad to see you are blogging. You know I am a fan of your writing! Still have all your old newsletters. You have a beautiful way with words! Always real, always encouraging! Sending love to you and Nancy!

  2. Thanks Marla! I guess I need to stop by and get copies of the newsletters from you. I don't even have them. :-)
