Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I’m still getting used to the changing seasons. We've been back in the U.S. two years now, so it’s strange to me that I’m still finding some aspects of seasonal changes uncomfortable.

It’s great experiencing the colors of fall, the crisp cool air of winter, the rebirth of spring, even the heat of summer. There’s so much to enjoy about them.

But the thing I’m noticing this year is just how different the winter sun makes everything look. The shadows it casts are so long. Even at noon, the “No Parking” sign outside my window is almost twice as long as the sign itself. It’s just weird.

The shadows of winter remind me of pain in the lives of people around us. Every day we engage with friends, family and the people we work with. Some of those people have had experiences that have cast long shadows across their lives.

It could be an experience from childhood, a foolish choice during adolescence or a broken relationship as an adult. But as we connect with them, we have no idea the impact those experiences have had on them.

Holidays can be especially hard. Many of us are warmed by feelings of love, friends and family. For others the shadows of their past block out the light of the season and they are filled with loneliness, isolation and pain. 

I realize that isn't a very happy Christmas message, but I write it for two reasons. The first is to remind us, if someone is acting like a Grinch, it’s probably for a reason. Take time to hear their story. They don’t hate Christmas; they hate how it makes them feel.

The second is, if this season leaves you feeling more nauseated than nostalgic, there is hope. The Son came to cast the shadows out of your life. I’m not saying that you’ll wake up tomorrow and have a Pollyanna attitude about your past. But there is healing available. There is hope.

I pray that whether you’re happy or horrified by the Christmas season, that you’ll be able to remember who we are celebrating, what he has done for you and how deeply you are loved by an everlasting God. 


  1. Thanks Jeff... I enjoyed reading this. And welcome to the world of Blogging! Long may it continue.

    PS I have happy memories of my first Christmas in Ecuador with Pounce the cat... and running Morning in the Mountains while you guys were at the beach!

  2. Thanks Rachel. Those were good times. Sorry you had to live in the dog house.

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  4. Just saw this now... I Loved living in the doghouse :o) / being the family dog.... ! But I am glad that the cat got along with the dog ok! It was sure fun once Molly arrived too and I had a walking buddy! Sure wish you all were closer! Hope you have a great Christmas. I think I saw that both boys are home for Christmas! Have Fun!
