Monday, September 14, 2015


I hate blogging on politics because I really see very little point. Sadly, real hope and change seem unlikely. But as I've watched the campaign of Donald Trump unfold I have been baffled by his appeal. It finally hit me today. It's fear.

We have become addicted to fear.

The Trump campaign seems to know and understand it better than anyone else. Maybe even because they themselves are fearful. I don't know. I know only, it is a drum they, and others, are beating quite effectively.

Any of this sound familiar? Immigrants are going to take our jobs! China is going to take our country! ISIS is going to attack the homeland! They are going to take your guns!

Or how about? Your families will be separated by deportation! Spending limits will shut down the nation! ISIS is going to attack the homeland! They'll let even crazy people have a gun!

It's time to stop living in fear. Stop eating a steady diet of Fox News or MSN. Stop reading email forwards you can't possibly verify, then dutifully pass them along like they're gospel. Stop scowering the internet reading articles that enhance your preconceived preoccupations.

If you are a Christ follower and this has been your life. Stop it! Watch this Bob Newhart video if you're having trouble understanding me.

If the things I've listed are things that preoccupy your day, it's probably because you're consuming the wrong things. I'm not saying we should bury our heads in the sand and not know the facts. I'm saying, a few hours of study each night, about a week before your primary, should probably be enough. Not this hysteria they'll be feeding us for the next year.

We have but one savior. We have but one hope. We have but one promise. Christ, our Hope, eternal. Rest in that. Because no one else can offer anything close.

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