Thursday, September 17, 2015


When we lived in Ecuador, there was a park behind our house with some tall, beautiful eucalyptus trees. We spent many evenings, walking the dog around the park enjoying their leafy shade.

Until one day, a team from the city showed up. They chopped off all the branches, then topped them. I was horrified. Our once beautiful park was now full of giant barren sticks, 20 to 30 feet high.

I couldn’t understand why they killed these trees and why they didn’t, at least, come harvest the giant stumps sticking up everywhere and plant new ones. 

It was probably a year or more later when I began to notice the tops of the trees sprouting leaves. It was weird, like a little bush had climbed up to the top of the stump. Over time, branches sprouted and grew and they began again, to look like healthy trees. 

There have been times in my life when I’ve felt like those eucalyptus trees. Seemly flourishing, then suddenly stripped and topped, left feeling dry, lifeless and wondering what the heck happened. 

I think we’ve all been there. Sometimes it’s external. Something out of our control crashes into our lives and leaves us reeling. Sometimes it’s because we have made some foolish choices, the consequences of which are devastating. 

In retrospect, I think these trees were pruned for their protection. They had grown too tall too quickly. Their narrow trunks and towering height had left them leaning precariously. 

Likewise, I think, at times, God prunes us to ensure our foundation can support our stature.

But the bottom line is, no matter what has left you feeling barren, you are a eucalyptus tree. It’s in your DNA. No matter how it feels, you were designed to sprout again. No matter the damage you’ve suffered, you can rise. 

Sometimes we need the help of friends who can water and nurture us. Sometimes we may need a professional “horticulturalist” to guide us through the recovery process. 

And as we grow, remember, it may take some time, it may look and feel a little funny, because it's not like it was before. It's OK. Do the hard work of growth. You'll get there. You are a eucalyptus tree. And you will rise. 

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