Monday, June 16, 2014


My dad is a planner. A “number of children + income = standard of living” kind of planner. A “job a + job b = retirement at 55” kind of planner. A “retirement + 2 more years of work = much more cash” kind of planner.

His careful planning fed us, housed us, clothed us, paid for my education and even supports my family today through his giving to ministry. It also allowed him to retire pretty young so he and mom would have time to do the things they wanted together.

Now that all sounds pretty simple and formulaic but the story it doesn't tell is Dad worked in some pretty toxic environments, had mean spirited bosses and coworkers who cheated him out of promotions. He stuck to the plan.

He had kids who made poor decisions, needed help, moved in and out of his house with their families. He stuck to the plan.

Mom got Alzheimer’s and he stuck to the plan. Because he had worked so hard and planned so well he could be with her. For as long as she could, they traveled, saw old friends and explored new places together.

And when she couldn't anymore, he cared for her and continues to.

I have a hard time seeing past this morning’s cup of coffee. It’s part of the reason why I love and respect my dad so much. His long-term approach to life has allowed him to care for and provide well for his family. Even when things didn't go as planned. 

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