Friday, August 16, 2013

God's Injustice

In my 15 years of missions, I've run into a lot of broken people (myself included) who have a lot of conflicted motivations and hang-ups. I've wondered at times, how in the world people come to Christ when God is using this motley band of misfits.

Nancy had worked with a ministry for a number of years when she realized some of their practices were improper, if not sinful. She and a friend confronted the leadership and pointed out the problems. As a result, her group of “friends” turned on her and shunned her. They refused to greet her in the hall and crossed the street when they saw her coming.

Several months later, the ministry was highlighted in church, celebrated and the leadership honored. People were coming to Christ and everyone was rejoicing. It was pretty tough not to jump up in the middle of the service and shout at them for hurting my wife.

I had a pretty blunt conversation with God about it later, helping him understand the injustice of using petty, hypocritical, self promoting sinners to reach the lost.

God’s blunt reply, “Dude, it’s not about you.”

What I lost sight of, in my self-righteous tirade, was a young woman, whose life was shattered, finding healing, grace and freedom. God loved her so much, he didn't care if he had to use sinful people, didn't care if they took the credit for his work in her life and really didn't care if it made me angry.

He loved her.

The world is full of broken people. The church is too. And I realize it has been a place where many have been wounded. If that has been true for you, I am so very sorry.

But let me assure you, the story isn't about those people. It’s about a God who loves you so passionately he came to earth and died for you. There is hope, peace and rest available. The story is about God and he welcomes you into it. 

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