Monday, July 13, 2015

No Political Solution

I heard this report on NPR the other day and something about it really troubled me. There is NO political solution that will solve a heart issue.

Let me say up front, we need Godly men and women in politics. I want wise people, with honesty and integrity to make good and just laws and lead our cities, states and nation. We need them there. They need to understand, though, no law they instate will ever change the heart of man.

In 1863 Lincoln's emancipation proclamation freed the slaves. Even then, 100 years later the civil rights movement was battling Jim Crow. Now 50 years later 9 people were killed due to how God created them.

None of  the laws created over the past 150 years changed the fact that Dylann Roof hated black people enough to kill them.

What we, in the evangelical community, need to understand is; if we woke up tomorrow and abortion was repealed, homosexual marriage nullified, prayer was back in school and the ten commandments were carved in granite at the front of every court house, the same number of people would be going to hell as today. Eternally speaking, nothing will have changed.

The Jews didn't recognize Christ as the messiah because they believed he would come to free them from the Romans. That task was too small minded. Christ came to free their hearts by restoring our relationship with God.

In our efforts to make American a "Christian" nation, I worry we're making the same small minded mistake. 

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