Friday, May 8, 2015

Confession Conundrum

On Sunday, a good friend preached a sermon and gave a compelling call for the need for confession. Many heads nodded and many went to the alter. It was good.

As I listened there was a voice, deep in my head that responded to every point he made. The voice said, "It isn't safe!" 

When we come to Christ we can confess. We can share every deep dark corner of our hearts and it is celebrated as a life forgiven, transformed, made new. It's beautiful.

The problem comes after a few years in the pews, when the sins of our youth revisit us. When casual clicking online leads to objectification, causal drinking slips into addiction and casual lunches at work drift to an affair.

Like Goldilocks we suddenly realize we're lost in the forest. We desperately long to go home but there is no one to ask for directions but bears.

The people called to be light feel dark and judgmental. Condemnation comes in a place called the sanctuary.

So we confess. Silently and alone. We pray God will forgive us. We pray no one finds out.

I wonder what church would look like if was a safe place to fail, then fail, then fail. Where confrontation came from a heart of deep love and concern rather than accusation. Where we learned to forgive each other and ourselves.

It's tragic Church is not a place safe enough to talk about the impulsive click, the extra glass and the flirtatious banter. I think if it was, fewer of us would end up in the woods. 


  1. Jack: This is awesome Uncle Jeffery. Absolutely how I've been feeling about the church lately.

    1. Thanks Jack. I think we all feel this way sometimes. It's hard because we do want people to grow. I want to grow. Sometimes I think we respond out of the pain of our disappointment. It's understandable, just not loving.

      I also need to remember that people who respond in accusatory and judgmental ways have a story too. I need to offer them just as much grace as I'm demanding.
