Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Prayer For Our Country

I woke up this morning to giddy Republicans celebrating the senate take over, and Democrats mourning the potential of a lame duck president for the next two years.

The question now is, will they be able to do anything, or will they descend into the name calling and finger pointing we've grown so accustom to?

In times of transition we are reminded to pray for our nation and for our leaders, but I wonder if we've been doing it wrong.

We tend to pray for things like, freedom, prosperity and security and it's natural to do so. But we've had those things, and even unparalleled power, for years. Still we hear, "Our country is headed in the wrong direction."

It makes me wonder if we're praying for the wrong things.

What if, instead, we woke up every morning and prayed, "Lord bring revival, in my nation, in my church and in my heart. Help me to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with you. And help me to love you and love others more than my own freedom, prosperity and safety."

I'm not sure that's the kind of prayer that would change the nation in the next two years, but it might change me. 

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