Monday, May 5, 2014

Emotional Junk Food

I like TV. I like movies too. I even like books. There’s something about a well written character that sucks me in. I can get so attached to them I miss them when the book goes back on the shelf.

I like geeky Leonard Hofstadter on The Big Bang Theory. I feel like I know him. I know his friends. His mom. His hang-ups and insecurities and even where they come from. I want him and Penny to stay together.

I realized yesterday, I know Leonard better than my neighbor.

Leonard makes me laugh, roll my eyes, worry and laugh some more. He feeds me emotionally. And all he requires is a half hour each week.

So I can have a “friendship” with Leonard, Patrick Jane, Tony Stark, Batman, Frodo and Harry Potter and it doesn’t cost me anything.

The problem is real relationships are expensive. They take time, energy, investment, commitment, forgiveness, grace, understanding and self-sacrifice. 

I can’t sit down with my neighbor, friend or coworker for a half hour each week just to be entertained. I have to give something back.

There’s nothing wrong with a good show, movie or book. Story has the ability to teach us in profound ways.

We just need to understand it’s relational junk food. There's nothing wrong with eating some chips, but if that's our substitute for real nourishment, we'll end up emotionally malnourished.