Monday, February 24, 2014


One of the things I love about my brother-in-law is his blunt honesty. So, when a good friend said some kind words about my blog, I wasn’t surprised when Tom replied, “Jeffrey, I don’t read your blogs unless there’s a title that grabs me.”

So he and my buddy began to “help me” with potential titles that would get people to click on them. “Bite me,” was the only one tame enough to print.

I think blog titles are a lot like people. We do and say stuff all the time to gain attention, hoping people will “read” us and give us what we want. Scandalous, provocative and offensive gets people’s attention, so it runs rampant throughout our society.

What troubles me is this also seems true for the church.

We point our finger, shout at and condemn the society we live in. We shout to insure that our “rights” are protected and our way of life is preserved. What we fail to realizes is all of our protesting is like putting a giant “BITE ME!” sign in front of the church. It provokes a response but not one that introduces folks to Christ.

“Jeff, don’t you care about where our country is going?” Yes. Deeply. But I care more about the Kingdom. And, I am convinced, no one has ever been legislated into it. In fact, if our country is going to hell it probably says more about the condition of the Church than it does about our government.

I’m involved with a fellowship of believers because I know the people there care about me. Not because they all agree with me or because their lives are perfect. They didn’t win me over with brilliant rhetoric or proper list of rules to live by. They love me and we’re all just trying to figure out life, together.

Love draws people in.

But we don't want to love people because it's hard,  messy and can be painful. Loving people takes time, energy and sacrifice. It’s a whole lot easier to hide in the church, lock ourselves in and put out the sign. 

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