Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Poppin Tags

Nancy loves Goodwill. Well, it doesn't have to be Goodwill. It could be Salvation Army, Arc a yard sale, whatever.

She loves them so much I wrote a song about it long before Macklemore and Ryan Lewis sang Thrift Shop (um... the PG version being sung by Pentatonix here). Heck, she invented “poppin’ tags.”

When we were traveling, she found out Goodwill in Ohio was having a 50% off sale. She went online, found every Goodwill on our rout and we stopped at them … all of them.

Thrifting is Nancy's spiritual gift.

She has taken countless folks all over Colorado Springs finding them great stuff for next to nothing. She doesn't need to buy, she’s just happy someone is getting a deal. 

So many of us don’t believe we have anything to offer. We minimize our gifting or don’t believe we have any gifts at all. We don’t understand that if we think creatively, there are things we love to do that would bless other people.

We've been wired different ways and our unique abilities and interests can have an impact on the people around us. Nancy does it through thrifting and I think it makes God happy.